Oakley Green, Fifield and District Community Association Ltd
Fun Day 2010
Andy James - 10.10.2010
Fun Day - Another tremendous success

Despite a considerable number of challenges, not least with our Treasurer Julie Glover being rushed into hospital two days beforehand, we are very pleased to say that the Fun Day was once again a tremendous success. We were even helped by the weather which was fine until late in the afternoon.

New attractions this year included Punch & Judy and a children’s farm as well as a dressage display and a stall where people enjoyed smashing crockery.

The auction was a success again and raised £1,477. Thanks to a sterling effort to sell tickets in advance of the show the raffle was more successful than usual and this alone raised nearly £600.

David Bucks’ steam train was as busy as ever and contributed a whopping £680.

Perhaps not surprisingly sponsorship and donations were slightly down on last year but still raised a wonderful £2,708. This year in addition to the usual costs for insurance, first aid, marquees, PA system etc. we also hired toilets. Total costs came in at £3,233.

The final total raised will not be known for a few more weeks when we have collected and paid for everything but at this stage we estimate a net amount of approximately £5,500. In the current economic climate we hope you will agree this is a wonderful achievement.

The organising team would like to thank everyone who helped make the show possible and who contributed financially towards it. We would of course also like to thank everyone who came along and supported on the day.

Finally, we should say a very special thanks to Jan and Ian Blackburn who have been an instrumental part of the Fun Day for the past two years and have now moved from the Village – they will be greatly missed.

Andy James – on behalf of The Fifield Fun Day Team