Oakley Green, Fifield & District Community Association
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During this worrying time it is very important for communities to stand together and support each other.  As a Community Association we in OGAFCA would like to offer our help and support to anyone who may need it.

If you, or anyone you know, is having to self-isolate we would be happy to offer help with -

shopping - collecting prescriptions - posting or collecting items -
or any other necessary errands

Let us know if you think you need help -

web     Send us a contact form
email   barbaraframe@btinternet.com
phone  07831 485645

Here's a choice of 2 useful posters - poster-1 - poster-2 - for you to print off and stick to your front door if you choose to.

Please also get in touch if you can volunteer to help us to do this.

Please look out for anyone you know to be elderly or vulnerable and alert us if you think they need our help.

Info on dealing with the virus can be found here

Keep safe and best wishes to you all,

OGAFCA Committee