Oakley Green, Fifield and District Community Association Ltd
Community Speed Watch
Louise Shenston - 08.11.2010

PCSO John Conner and Michael Seagrief on Speedwatch duty

Members of the Roads & Transport Work Group joined PCSO John Conner recently in the first of a series of Speedwatch initiatives to be carried out in Fifield and Oakley Green.

On this occasion the equipment was erected on the east bound side of the Oakley Green Road just beyond the crossroads by the Memorial Hall.

This monitors west bound traffic and registers anyone doing in excess of the speed limit, which on that stretch of road is 40 miles per hour.

The campaign involves the use of a pledge system linked to direct action using radar speed guns and Vehicle Activated Signs, all under the supervision of the County Council.

The use of the radar devices will not lead to prosecution - drivers caught speeding will not be prosecuted but will get a letter from the local police, which will help to underline the community’s commitment to reducing speed.

It proved to be a very effective deterrent – though some credit must be given to the high viz jackets worn by all three of us !

Louise Shenston