Oakley Green, Fifield and District Community Association Ltd |
Local Planning - Relocation of Phoenix Gym |
Planning update 15 - 07.08.2015 - Relocation of Phoenix Gym | |||
Relocation of Phoenix Gym to Fifield Road – Application 15/02107/FULL
The proposal is to relocate the very popular Phoenix Gym from its current site in Water Oakley (to the North of the A308 by Bray Studios) to a new site – in the Green Belt - just to the North of Longlea Nursing Home on the Fifield Road. The Gym has 750 + Members and will operate 7 days a week. The Development has Provision for 141 Car Park Spaces and a Coach Park. Plans can be seen at RBWM Planning Online or at Council Offices in Maidenhead or Windsor 5 days a week - or mornings 09:30 to 12:30 Monday to Thursday at Bray Parish Office in Moneyrow Green, Holyport. Please let RBWM Planners and Councillors, Bray Parish Council and OGAFCA know if you support this Application or not. Bray Parish Council will discussing the Application at their Planning Committee Meeting on Monday August 3, 2015 from 7:30 pm at Braywood Memorial Hall. The Meetings are open to the Public. The Closing Date for Comments is Friday August 7, 2015 – but submitting before the Parish Council Meeting on August 3rd would be useful to inform them of your views when they meet and discuss. |