Oakley Green, Fifield and District Community Association Ltd |
Local Planning - Re-development of Bray Studios |
Planning update 16 - 07.08.2015 - Re-development of Bray Studios | |||
Re-development of Bray Studios Site – two Applications involving 25 Dwellings
This Proposal involves the development of 25 Dwellings across two Planning Applications at the Bray Studios Site to the North of the A308. This site is immediately to the West of The Water Oakley Site where 44 Dwellings were approved on June 9, 2014. Application 15/01984/FULL Change of use, restoration, conversion and partial demolition of Down Place House including alterations and two storey extension to form 10 residential dwellings, Demolition of other existing buildings and removal of hardstanding to enable the construction of 11 detached dwellings and a terrace of 4 dwellings, garaging, car parking provision, open space, landscaping and other associated works. Plans can be seen at RBWM Planning Online or at Council Offices in Maidenhead or Windsor 5 days a week - or mornings 09:30 to 12:30 Monday to Thursday at Bray Parish Office in Moneyrow Green, Holyport. Application 15/01989/LBC Listed Building Consent for restoration and conversion of Down Place House to form 10 dwellings,comprising 8 x apartments and 2 x cottages, works to include reinstatement of original west entrance and entrance lobby connecting to main staircase, demolition of large studio building attached to the south of the east wing and replaced with new extension, demolition of block b building, single storey conservatory extension to the north elevation to block A and associated internal and external alterations. Plans can be seen at RBWM Planning Online or at Council Offices in Maidenhead or Windsor 5 days a week - or mornings 09:30 to 12:30 Monday to Thursday at Bray Parish Office in Moneyrow Green, Holyport. Please let RBWM Planners and Councillors, Bray Parish Council and OGAFCA know if you support this Application or not. Bray Parish Council will discussing these Applications at their Planning Committee Meeting on Monday August 3, 2015 from 7:30 pm at Braywood Memorial Hall. The Meetings are open to the Public. The Closing Date for Comments is Thursday August 13, 2015 – but submitting them before the Parish Council Meeting on August 3rd would be useful to inform them of your views when they meet and discuss. |