Oakley Green, Fifield and District Community Association Ltd
Roads & Transport - call for accident reports
The Roads & Transport work group needs your help
It was identified on the survey that nearly 70% of you would welcome lowered speed limits and better traffic regulation in our area.

This comes at a time when it has been reported that Ministers are considering cutting the speed limits on most rural single carriageways from the current national limit of 60mph to 50 mph.

Ultimately, it will probably be left to the local authorities to take the key decisions on whether reduced speed limits are the best option for specific local roads and local circumstances and we therefore want to be able to give RBWM as much detailed information as possible.

Whilst the Highways agency are not hostile to our requests they work on tight budgets and cover a large area, so it is vital that we make our voices heard. We need evidence of the number of accidents on our local roads. The statistics held by the police differ quite markedly with the anecdotal evidence of our residents.

If you can remember the details of any recent accidents near your homes can you please let us know. We need to know as much as you can tell us but particularly 'WHEN' (approx date), 'WHERE', and whether anyone was injured.

Please help us by using the button below to complete and submit an accident report form.

We would very much like your responses regarding past incidents by the end of April, but as we are hoping to monitor this on an ongoing basis it is important that you also continue to advise us of incidents that occur in the future.

We want to institute a simple, robust and accurate Accident Reporting System which will enable us to work with the local Residents Association, the Neighbourhood Action Group, Neighbourhood Watch, the Police and RBWM to create a safer environment for us all.

Your assistance is greatly appreciated.

Louise Shenston – Roads & Transport Work Group