Oakley Green, Fifield and District Community Association Ltd
Membership Application or Renewal - subscription
Thank you for becoming a member or for renewing your membership of OGAFCA To complete the process please choose from the options below

Only one Subscription is payable per household so if another
household member has already paid a subscription please click
FINISH - otherwise please choose a subscription option below
Each online transaction carries a charge for us but it is still
cheaper than the 2nd class stamp that might be needed otherwise.
We hope you will understand if we cover the cost of this charge.
Subscription of £3 for 1 year      + 60p = £3.60
Subscription of £5 for 2 years    + 60p = £5.60
Subscription of £10 for 5 years  + 60p = £10.60
Only one sub is payable per household so please encourage wife, husband, partner or friend to join as a member in their own right. The more members we have the more seriously we will be taken when trying to deal with local government and other organisations. Thank you.