Oakley Green, Fifield and District Community Association Ltd
Local Planning - Gypsy Site Appeal Rejected
Planning update 12 - 04.11.2014 - Gypsy Site Appeal Rejected
by Inspector and Central Government

The Applicants Appealed against the RBWM’s refusal to allow the Application at the site behind The Sun and Stars Pub and a Public Enquiry ran from April 1 to 3 2014. Please see Planning Updates 3 and 7 for more information.

The Planning Inspector was Mark Dakeyne BA (Hons) MRTPI). In early July, he submitted his report and recommendation for refusal/dismissal of The Appeal to the Central Government’s Department for Communities and Local Government for their review. (His report was not placed in the Public Domain at this stage).

The Decision from the Department of Communities and Local Government was originally due on September 24. It was delayed until October 17, because of the potential impact of a High Court Decision on the Redhill Aerodrome case. The Department finally issued their Decision at the end of October (along with the original Inspectors report) and they upheld the view that the Appeal should be dismissed.

Copies of the two Decision Notices (which run to 48 pages) can be seen here.

As a “Heads Up” - The 4 year Temporary Permission for the two Gypsy Sites on the A308 opposite the BP Garage runs out in February 2015.

We will continue to monitor the situation and keep Residents informed ...