Oakley Green, Fifield & District Community Association
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Drainage - Current Status - Wet Spot 3 - 16.11.2021
3 - Braywood Lodge on Oakley Green Road
In 2011 volunteers cleared the ditches and Streetcare arranged jetting of pipes under the roadside verge.

As far as we were able to tell this improved the situation and we thought we were safe to give a tick to this "wet spot".

Unfortunately the resident informed us at the open meeting in February 2014 that the problem was not resolved and that there had once more been a lot of water on the driveway. So we had to return this "wet spot" to Amber status and waited for the next heavy rainfall to see if there is anything else that can be done to try and improve this.

In 2014 Streetcare promised that the pipework running parallel with the road in the vicinity of Braywood Lodge would again be checked and cleaned. This was not likely to remove the problem completely but Project Centre have replaced Streetcare and we have no way of knowing if the work was carried out as promised. But we have had no more reports of a repeat.

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