9 Wet Spots 2020
Where are we after 11 years ?
Overview Drainage report 06 - 11.03.2020
9 “Wet Spots”
state of play in March 2020
Click on a number
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1 Cricket Ground - Oakley Green Road
Some improvement but no complete solution until culvert and chamber capacity at SW corner of site and pipes northward along boundaries increased and-or sump holding capacity south of road increased.
2 Area of speed hump and Fifield Road (north)
Ditch was cleared by Streetcare in February 2014 but now badly needs doing again.
3 Braywood Lodge - Oakley Green Road
Volunteers cleared ditches and Streetcare jetted roadside pipes. Waiting in case of recurrence.
4 Coningsby Lane
Proposed remedy carried out by RBWM in summer 2019 and has been performing magnificently !
5 Oakley Green House and Forest Farm area - Oakley Green Road
2 new gullies installed in gate opening feeding into sub-footway pipe. No recurrence of this problem.
6 Ledger Farm - Coningsby Lane (south) and Forest Green Road
No progress. Improvement in capacity and flow at this site would cause increased problems at “Wet Spot” 8. Best short term hope for improvement to discuss with landowner substantial increase in sump holding capacity south of Forest Green Road.
7 Fifield Road (Stewart Close to Garden Cottage)
New roadside pipe and gullies installed and culverts jetted to re-instate route via chamber under pavement at corner of Garden Cottage eastwards past polo pitch. Landowner promised to clear ditch in autumn-winter 2014 but this has still not been done. This may cause problems and needs monitoring.
7b Fifield Inn - Fifield Road (south)
Pipe from car park north to chamber under pavement at corner of Garden Cottage needs clearing-jetting. Landowner promised to clear ditch eastwards past polo pitch in autumn-winter 2014 - still not been done. Need to discuss with landowner to establish sump holding capacity south of car park.
8 Culvert under road at Willow Creek - Fifield Road
Difficult to see what can be done here. Capacity of double culvert cannot be increased due to limitations of route it feeds into on east of road. Maybe best practical and financially feasible proposal to develop in cooperation with landowners more substantial sump holding areas along route before flow arrives here.
9 Cardinal & Hand Clinics - Oakley Green Road & Dedworth Road
Too much water from under Dedworth Road onto private land. Route through site substantial but not able to handle extremes. Only reasonable possibility may be to divert excess water away from vulnerable buildings via new route through undeveloped land on site creating more sump holding capacity.